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Ime - Name: Carlos Cantu
URL: Yahoo
E-mail: cgc@laredo.k12.tx.us
Mjesto - Location: Laredo, TX. USA
Komentar - Comment:
Like the lyrics from a spanish song say "Apenas te conozco y no te dejo de pensar"...thank you!!!
Ime - Name: katija
URL: barić
E-mail: katija.baric@mail.inet.hr
Mjesto - Location: split
Komentar - Comment:
najljepša stranica na kojoj sam bila, hvala
Ime - Name: Cathy
E-mail: Cathy84@web.de
Mjesto - Location:
Komentar - Comment:
Hi, this is a great page!!! Well, could ya tell me how you built the page with The Way We Were or just send me
this pic with the text on it and playing the music in the background? It'd be very nice 'cause that's just my fave song....
Think Peace!
Ime - Name: David Zalusky & Vesna Ergovic Zalusky
E-mail: dzalusky@cox.net
Mjesto - Location: Tucson Arizona
Komentar - Comment:
We were looking for the words to Suza za Zagorske Brege and this site came up first on Google. A Beautiful site!
We were just watching a video of the Duquesne Tamburitzans and I (David, an old folk signer) was complaining
that the culture that people make
Ime - Name: semmi
E-mail: asm27at@yahoo.de
Mjesto - Location: wien
Kometar - Comment:
,,,, i opet noćas nemam mira ni sna,,,,neki me vrag tjera visoko,,,pa opet do dna,,,,,,,,
znam reći ćeš opet sam se nalio piva,,,,,,svaki pijanac neku tugu skriva,,,,,al nisam,,,mejke mi,,,nemako se smjesta,,,,,
nisam još pijan,ovo mi tek šesta,,,, ne znam
Ime - Name: zoran markulj
E-mail: zoran.markulj@inet.hr
Mjesto - Location: zagreb,croatia
Komentar - Comment:
autorica stihova "suze za zagorske brege" je ana bešenić
Ime - Name: ljube
E-mail: ljubica.jelusic@kbf-st.hr
Mjesto - Location:
Komentar - Comment:
Svaka cast! Stvarno sam jako odusevljena sa tvojim prikupljenim materijalom! Najvise me odusevilo otkrice Krznarica.
Svakako nemoj odustajat i idalje nam uljepsavaj dane postojanja! SRETNO
Ime - Name: Marija
E-mail: marija@sfrj.com
Mjesto - Location: Podgorica
Komentar - Comment:
Slucajno sam naisla na site.....ni trena se nisam pokajala:)-cak je stavljen u favourites i poslat kao link.dovoljno?
izvanredni prevodi! I encounter to site by accident, but wasnt sorry for a minute:)it was,
moreover put in favorites and forwarded as a l
Ime - Name: Alexandre Kappaun
E-mail: alexkappaun8@yahoo.com
Mjesto - Location: Budapest / Rio de Janeiro
Komentar - Comment:
Congratulations! Barbara is one of the must beautiful poems in the French language!
Ime - Name: Marija
URL: http://marija.fateback.com
E-mail: candy@hi.hinet.hr
Mjesto - Location: Zadar
Komentar - Comment:
Volim ovaj sajt... :)
Ime - Name: Chica Nagasaka
URL: http://uo.net/i/2222222
E-mail: egypt8yachiyo@hotmail.com
Mjesto - Location: Tokio Yapan
Komentar - Comment:
Hi y und and KONICHIWA! I'veb just finished listening a song Nave del olvido! I like it tooo much though!
Thanks.By the way the image of the lady showing her back remainds me of my EX-wife.
Ime - Name: Josh
Mjesto - Location: Australia
Komentar - Comment:
very creative...very cool...very original..beautiful...I like the nice things said in a cute way...thanks Carmen.
from Josh and mother Irena ( the rest of my entry was cut off.. )
Ime - Name: Irena
E-mail: mysticalloveandjoy@hotmail.com
Mjesto - Location: Australia
Komentar - Comment:
I found your site while looking for some midi files and found it so beautiful in many ways.
The midi you have are some of the best I have ever heard and the picturs, poems all wonderful and much feeing.
Your effort and care along with the sentiment is so v
Ime - Name: Jure Lokar
URL: http://obala.net/index.php?show=uporabnik&user=cocoman
E-mail: jure.lokar@hermes.si
Mjesto - Location: Ljubljana
Komentar - Comment:
Ave, vas site bio je jedini koji ima bilo kakvu referencu na Krajac i Metikos zato pisem vama ...
Imao sam LP Gricka Vestica kojeg sam snimio na CD prije mi ga je uspelo izgubiti no ima jedan problem
na ta dva CDa nema naslova i duzine skladbi i jos gore
Ime - Name: goran
Mjesto - Location: zagreb
Komentar - Comment:
it is all about to change our point of view, and do it often
Ime - Name: Marge Champlin
E-mail: margec@saber.net
Mjesto - Location: USA
Komentar - Comment:
This is beautiful, but wish there was an English translation....
Ime - Name: Tea
URL: http://www.kaleidoskop.co.yu
E-mail: aliex@telekom.yu
Mjesto - Location: Koprivnica, Croatia
Komentar - Comment:
Ime - Name: IGOR
E-mail: cigo30@yahoo.com
Mjesto - Location: Zagreb
Komentar - Comment:
Nesto najbolje ikad videno! Hvala vam!
Ime - Name: Anto Djotlo
E-mail: anto.djo@gmx.ch
Mjesto - Location: Zug ( Switzerland )
Komentar - Comment:
cestit za tak fenomenalni Homepage, i dalje puno uspjeha!!! pozdrav iz Svicarske
Ime - Name: Glorija
URL: glorija71@yahoo.com
E-mail: glorija71
Mjesto - Location: Kraljevo
Komentar - Comment:
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Web dizajn, izrada web stranica, grafika, animacija, videa... itd. — CARMEN
Webmaster, Web page design; graphics, animations, videos... etc. — CARMEN
ICQ 11109908 — GOOGLE + (Dr. Carmen Ezgeta — Posts) — GOOGLE + (EZGETA com) — YouTube (EZGETA com) — SKYPE (dr.carmen.ezgeta)
Prezime EZGETA — Surname EZGETA
je najvjerojatije po podrijetlu motivirano zanimanjem: prvonositelj je bio po zanimanju EGZETA.
Tumacio je, objasnjavao i iznosio kriticka objasnjenja biblijskih i drugih vjerskih i pravnih tekstova.
Naziv EZGETA najvjerojatnije je izveden kracenjem naziva EGZEGETA,
od starogrcke rijeci EXEGETES (ἐξήγησις od ἐξηγεῖσθαι) = PROROK, PROPOVJEDNIK, TUMAC, UCITELJ, SAVJETNIK, GATALAC
(gl. e x e g e i s t h a i = pokazati put, voditi (voditi van), izloziti, objasniti, tumaciti itd.)
[ IZVORI: Dr. B. Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, Zagreb 1962, str.384; N. Majnaric i O. Gorski, Grcko-hrvatskosrpski rjecnik, Zagreb 1960, str.195;
E. Partridge, ORIGINS — A Short Etymolofical Dictionary of Modern English, New York 1983, pp.190.602. ]
Neka istrazivanja migracija EZGETA kazu da su EZGETA bili Grci koji su se sa otoka Krete,
prije nego sto je rimski vojskovođa Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus (c. 135 BC – late 50s BC) osvojio Kretu 69. pne - 69 BC,
odselili na Dalmatinske otoke, a odatle...
CARMEN — latinski: PJESMA (Carmen, -inis, n.) / CARMEN — Latin: SONG, TUNE, POEM (|noun| Carmen, Carminis Neuter)
and is also the root of the English word charm.
Ezgeta.com je osobna visejezicna stranica poezije, umjetnosti, muzike, humora i misli...
Ezgeta.com is a Croatian multilingual personal site with poetry, art, music, humor and nice things...
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All Rights Reserved